From group online classes to bespoke individual classes to reorganizing your kitchen and advising you on food choices everything Clara does is about bring the passion of food into the homes of her clients.

Phone:      0862396975
Address:   Cork, ireland
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Meat Dishes

Baked Sausage Beans and Egg in a Tomato sauce

A brunch to wow your friends and family! So tasty!

Slow Cooked Oxtail Stew

Delicious slow-cooked Oxtail Stew

Apple & Sage Sausage Rolls

Delicious Home Made Sausage Rolls

Potato, Spinach & Bacon Ricotta Bake

A brunch to wow your friends and family! So tasty!

Black Pudding & Pork Sausage Rolls

Delicious flavoursome Sausage Rolls

Coq Au Vin

I like to buy a full organic free-range chicken and joint it myself however your butcher will do this for you. Call him up and ask him to joint it into 12 pieces. Also, tell him that you want to keep the carcass and giblets (Great for making stock)

Chargrilled chicken within harissa and lime fried rice

Chargrilled chicken within harissa and lime fried rice

Italian Beef Stew

A good gutsy stew which can be made in large quantities – it reheats and freezes 

Lamb Tagine

Lamb Tagine


A little different to the normal Irish roast chicken dinner, this is more of a Mediterranean taste and will set your tastebuds off!