From group online classes to bespoke individual classes to reorganizing your kitchen and advising you on food choices everything Clara does is about bring the passion of food into the homes of her clients.

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Clara Cooks

Homemade Pasta

The traditional Italian way of making pasta is just flour and eggs. I like to add a little olive oil and water. It’s not a difficult recipe but it needs time and love. I definitely recommend a pasta machine, they are not expensive and are a great piece of equipment to have. You can use a rolling pin but it’s more time-consuming and hard work but it will do just fine if you don’t have a machine. I have the Marcato Atlas 150 which I find great and I also bought the Tagaspast for hanging my pasta strips. I used to use a clothes hanger before I purchased this!!

let’s start with making pasta strips, like tagliatelle. 


300g “00” flour

25g (1oz) semolina flour, you can use all-purpose flour if you can’t find semolina

pinch of salt

1 large egg and 4 large egg yolks, preferably free-range 

1 teaspoon olive oil

1 teaspoon cold water


Sieve the flour and salt onto a board or clean surface. Make a well in the centre, add the eggs (no need to whisk the eggs), oil and water. Mix into a dough with a fork to begin with then continue to bring it together with your hand.

The pasta should just come together but shouldn’t stick to your hand – if it does add a little more flour. (If it is too dry, add a little extra egg white being careful not to add too much.) 

Knead for 10 minutes until it becomes elastic. 

It should be quite pliable, wrap it in cling film or parchment paper and rest in the fridge for 20 minutes. 

Divide the dough into 4 sections and roll out one piece at a time and then put it into the machine going from the highest setting (0) to the setting you desire for thickness. I go right up to 8 or 9. If using a rolling pin then, roll out to get even length and thickness.

Once rolled out change to the cutting tool on the machine and put pasta sheets through. Use a pizza cutter or small sharp knife if you have no machine 

Allow the pasta to dry for 30 minutes approx. or until just dry to the touch on a hanging tool such as tacapasta or clothes horse if you don’t have this. Use within 3 days. You can store it in the fridge in a sealed container.  

Bring a pot of water to the bowl with 1-2 tablespoons salt (don’t skip the salt, the pasta needs it)

Add pasta for 4 minutes, drain! Serve with chopped parsley and butter or add to a dish of choice such as meatballs.


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