From group online classes to bespoke individual classes to reorganizing your kitchen and advising you on food choices everything Clara does is about bring the passion of food into the homes of her clients.

Phone:      0862396975
Address:   Cork, ireland

Clara Cooks

Beetroot and Pineapple Smoothie

I adore Beetroot, it is one of those vegetables that is so versatile and is full of nutrients. This is a gorgeous way to pump your body full of all that iron!

1 serving

  • 1/2 raw beetroot (chopped)
  • Bunch  baby spinach leaves
  • Few cubes of pineapple (fresh if possible) I buy mine fresh, cut up and keep in the freezer
  • 150 ml of coconut water 
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger root (grated)

Blend together ensuring beets are fully blended. 

Pour and enjoy

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