From group online classes to bespoke individual classes to reorganizing your kitchen and advising you on food choices everything Clara does is about bring the passion of food into the homes of her clients.

Phone:      0862396975
Address:   Cork, ireland

Clara Cooks



1130g Strong White Flour

35g Fresh Yeast

12g Salt

510g Milk

207g Natural Yoghurt

1 Egg

100g Butter



  1. Sieve flour, salt and sugar and rub in the butter
  2. Heat the milk to tepid and sprinkle in the yeast, leave it for approx 5 min for it to dissolve fully
  3. Mix the egg and yoghurt together
  4. Pour milk mixture and yoghurt mixture into the flour and knead in the mixer for 6 minutes
  5. Cover and let rise in the fridge until doubled in size
  6. Knockback and divide into 100g pieces
  7. Shape into rolls and put on an oiled tray
  8. sprinkle with flour and bake in a preheated oven at 230C for 15 to 20 min with 8 seconds steam
  9. Cool on a wire rack

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