From group online classes to bespoke individual classes to reorganizing your kitchen and advising you on food choices everything Clara does is about bring the passion of food into the homes of her clients.

Phone:      0862396975
Address:   Cork, ireland

Clara Cooks

Brioche Cinnamon Rolls

Ok so yes these take time to make and the dough needs to rest overnight before making the cinnamon rolls the next day but please believe me that the 5 minutes you and everyone else takes to scoff these are so worth it!!! A rich, soft, fluffy, brioche-like bread dough, stuffed with a delicious buttery cinnamon sugar paste, I mean what else do you want in life!!!




Day 1

450g of strong white flour

Large pinch of salt

50 g castor sugar

4 eggs


25g of fresh yeast (if using dry yeast use ½ the amount)

65ml tepid water 

Day 2

30g butter melted

Demerara sugar or light brown

Ground cinnamon



Day 1

Start with putting the tepid water in the mixing bowl and crumb the yeast into this, wait for 5 min or so for the yeast to dissolve. (Should have a creamy top)

Once dissolved add eggs and sugar and mix on a low speed for a minute or two. Now add the flour while mixing until fully combined, you might need to scrape down the sides once or twice until the mixture is smooth.


Next comes the important part! Cut your butter into inch size cubes and add in slowly and with great patience! Each piece of butter should be fully absorbed into the dough before you add in the next one! If you add the butter in too fast, it will not “emulsify” into the dough and result in an oily, broken dough. It’ll still bake-off well enough, but do it right and your dough will look satisfyingly smooth, glossy, and plump.


The finished dough should have a silky appearance. Put the dough into a covered oiled bowl into the refrigerator overnight.


Day 2

Preheat oven to 180℃

Knead the dough back and shape out onto a floured surface. Shape into a rectangle about ¼ inch thick. 

Brush with melted butter, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. 

You can also add raisins if you wish at this point. 

Roll up from the long side and cut into 1.5 inch 


Place on a baking tray with a little space in between each as they will expand! 


Cover with a towel and allow to rise for 30+ minutes until doubled in size. Brush with some egg wash and sprinkle with sugar and into the oven for 20/25 min.


Cool on a wire rack and devour! Honestly, they will be devoured! They are utterly delicious, all that love and patience will be rewarded with the sounds of delight from anyone who gets to eat them!


You can drizzle over some icing for extra effect!  (icing sugar mixed with water)

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