From group online classes to bespoke individual classes to reorganizing your kitchen and advising you on food choices everything Clara does is about bring the passion of food into the homes of her clients.

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Clara Cooks

Homemade Custard

I remember pouring custard from a carton as a child. When I first learnt how to make my own I never looked back, this recipe is far superior, freshly made and absolutely delicious.


  • 350ml double cream, single cream or milk (I use 2350 cream and 100 milk)
  • 4 large egg yolks
  • 40g golden caster sugar mixed with 1 level dessertspoon of cornflour
  • 1 Vanilla pod (If you don’t have a vanilla pod then use vanilla paste)


  1. Place the cream in a pan over a gentle heat and heat it to just below the simmering point, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon.
  2. While the cream is heating, use a balloon whisk to whisk together the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour mixture and the vanilla in a medium bowl with a cloth underneath to steady it. Then, whisking the egg mixture all the time with one hand, gradually pour the hot cream into the bowl. When it’s all in, immediately return the whole lot back to the saucepan using a  spatula.
  3. On a gentle heat continue whisking until the custard is thick and smooth, which will happen as soon as it reaches a simmering point.
  4. If you are using it immediately, pour it into a jug and serve it with dessert.
  5. I usually make mine ahead of time. I leave to cool in the pan then pour into a large glass jar until later.

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